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Assessment Result

I’ve just received my mark for this module & I passed!

Thank you to those that followed this blog & the support I’ve had from everyone.

Painting 1: The Practise of Painting

My path to a BA Hons in Creative Arts through The Open College of Art (OCA)….

The OCA says about their course:

“This unit enables you to see in a selective way, developing your own visual ideas and means of expression. You will explore given subject matter systematically, experiencing different approaches to painting and will be introduced to some of the major artists and movements, including those in C20 and C21 painting.

You will learn to paint by being encouraged to analyse and select from the visual world what seems to be important and discover ways in which this visual experience can be translated into painting. Working from direct observation, the importance of drawing is emphasized. There are projects on tone values, colour theory, perspective, pictorial composition, use of studies and photographs, an introduction to figure painting, emotional aspects of painting and painting outdoors. You are required, through a series of theoretical studies, to investigate artists and visit galleries and museums. You will record your discoveries and observations in a learning log.”

This is my online learning log.

There are 5 Parts to this course, each Part containing various Projects and Exercises, culminating with an Assignment. Selected pieces from each of the 5 Parts will go off to my tutor for feedback and guidance. Official assessment of my work at the end of the course by the OCA’s Validating University, the UCA will, assuming I pass, accredit me with 40 points. This is the 2nd of 3 x Level 1 courses I hope to complete.

My tutor for this course is Diana Ali.

Pages to this learning log

Make sure to check out the separate pages Ive set up, links can be found to the right of this entry.

at last, the course work has arrived!

Lots of hard work in one small box

The wait is nearly over!

The course is on its way at last! I placed my order with the OCA yesterday & Ive already been allocated a tutor. I hope by the weekend I’ll have had the delivery and I’ll be off! Very exciting still 🙂

Waiting to start

New posts will start soon but in the meantime, previous blogs can be seen at and

By the end of June 2012 I will be embarking on my second course with the OCA, namely Painting 1 – The Practise of Painting. Its been over a year since I completed my first course with OCA, Drawing 1 – Drawing Skills, something I thoroughly enjoyed and even better I passed the end assessment, gaining full accreditation for this Level 1 course.

The Practise of Painting, another Level 1 course, will be very different and will no doubt bring many new challenges, mostly those I’ll relish but no doubt with a few bumps along the way. But my overwhelming feeling is one of excitement and in other words, I CANT WAIT!

Previous blogs can be seen at and

Less than a week to go………the countdown is nearly over!