2. PROJECT: Transparent and Opaque


All about the properties of different pigments, various ways to create glazes, single colour washes, wet in wet blend washes & overlaid washes,  which are both transparent ie diluted with turps & able to see a colour underneath, or opaque ie pure opaque colour mixed, possibly mixed with white, but thick enough to cover up a colour underneath. Learning to control gradual fading or blending colours in a variety of ways.

Using both transparent and opaque paint to create the ground to a piece & how this can be used to my advantage.


Ive learnt loads about Acrylic & Oils and how I can start manipulating both to my advantage. Some of the exercises have been more successful than others but Ive pushed through these exercises as spending more hours on them wont, I dont think, be as productive as it will be from learning during the next projects. I may well come back to some of them once I gain even more confidence in the medium.

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